4-channel transmitter characterised by a refined and elegant design, realised with high-quality materials, equipped with a metal case-back, which make it the reference product of the range of exclusive accessories IRIDE. A high-end product which encloses the reliability and the safety of Benincà electronics.
Advanced Rolling Code (ARC), Rolling Code and fixed code. Available in two versions, both with 4 channels: Advanced Rolling Code and fixed code, recognisable through the white case (IRI.TX4AK) or Advanced Rolling Code and Rolling Code characterised by a black case (IRI.TX4VA).
What is Advanced Rolling Code?
The ARC encoding system represents the evolution of the old Rolling Code. Thanks to the length of the transmitted code (128 bits vs. the current version with 64 bits), the encoding Advanced Rolling Code guarantees the highest anti-cloning protection.
Can I memorise a transmitter IRI.TX4VA or IRI.TX4AK in an existing installation?
If Rolling Code transmitters are memorised, it is possible to associate the new transmitters IRI.TX4VA by changing the factory settings and switching to Rolling Code. If in the existing installation transmitters with fixed code are memorised, it is possible to associate the transmitters IRI.TX4AK by cloning the code of the already memorised transmitter. If in the installation transmitters with only ARC encoding have been memorised, it is possible to use any transmitter IRI.TX without changing the encoding. In fact, factory settings foresee the transmission of the ARC encoding by default.
How can I switch from Advanced Rolling Code to Rolling Code in IRI.TX4VA transmitters?
In transmitters with double code, it is possible to use the ARC encoding, switch to Rolling Code or use the transmitter with both encodings (mixed code). In this tutorial, we will show you how to do it.
Where can I use the transmitters IRI.TX4AK?
Transmitters with ARC encoding and fixed code can be used both in installations characterised only by ARC encoding, and in new or existing installations, in which transmitters with fixed or programmable code have been memorised.
Can I use the ARC encoding and the fixed code at the same time in transmitters IRI.TX4AK?
Yes, you can. In transmitters IRI.TX4AK it is possible to associate the encoding Advanced Rolling Code to one button and the fixed code to another one at the same time and independently.
How can I memorise a new transmitter IRI.TX with ARC encoding in an installation without going to the installation site?
You can do it by choosing the IRI.TX4AK model. The transmitter allows extending the convenience of the remote activation (without having access to the installation), typical of fixed code and ARC encoding. In fact, transmitters IRI.TX4AK can become copies of transmitters with fixed code and be enabled to operate installations with encoding Advanced Rolling Code.
How can I change the battery of the new transmitters?
You just have to remove the screw that holds together the two cases. The battery is on the left side of the circuit.
How can I recognise the different models of the new transmitters?
The model can always be recognised thanks to the TYPE provided on the rear side of the transmitter. VA transmitters are characterised by a black case, whereas those of the AK series have a white case.
Can the new ARC transmitters be managed through the Advantouch?
Yes, of course.
How do you carry out the hidden-button function with the new transmitters IRI.TX? (remote activation of the memory of the receiver)
You just have to press the buttons 1 and 2 of the transmitter at the same time for at least 3 secs: the blinking LED light confirms that the hidden-button code has been transmitted.